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Hire Freelance Cartoonists

A cartoon is a non-realistic or semi-realistic illustration, which is typically animated. A visual artist who specializes in drawing cartoons is known as a cartoonist. A cartoonist crafts two-dimensional illustrations, usually depicting political, economic and current affair scenarios. Cartoonists usually work for traditional publications like magazines, newspapers as well as for digital media platforms.

What Does a Cartoonist Do?

The main job of a cartoonist is to communicate ideas through their illustrations, which could be combinations of images and pictures. They develop original ideas as comic strips or cartoons based on life’s events and current happenings. They use their work to tell stories, instruct, guide and offer commentary on life and society, mostly in a satirical or comical way. Cartoonists may also develop color patterns, dramatize action and create background scenes.

Many people hire a cartoonist depending on their specialization. Political cartoonists draw illustrations revolving around the current political scenario of a country or world politics; whereas a comic strip cartoon develops a comic series with recurring characters. Animators too are types of cartoonists who draw moving cartoons that appear on films, television and games.

Cartoonists use a variety of drawing tools for their cartoons such as pens, pencils and colors. Alternatively, they may also use design software for their creations. Cartoonists are usually associated with animation studios, film and video studios, cartoon networks, gaming companies, print publications and publishing companies.

There are many cartoonists who offer online freelance services and if you are looking for a cartoonist to hire, then your best option is Guru – the top freelance marketplace company.

If you are looking to hire a cartoonist, make sure your freelancer can:

  • Develop animated sequences.

  • Create and draw sketches and model drawings of characters.

  • Sketch rough drafts for approval.

  • Participate in storyboarding, typesetting and editing.

  • Edit cartoon, comic strip or animation as necessary.

  • Ensure the cartoon reproduces well in print.

  • Use computer software or hand render drawings for animation.

Qualifications of a Cartoonist

It is ideal for your freelancer to have the following skills:

  • Excellent drawing skills

  • Latest knowledge of current affairs

  • Originality in their artwork

  • A strong sense of humor and be witty

  • Ability to work under the pressure of deadline, as artwork in media is required on time

  • Know-how drawing software for faster execution

Benefits of Freelance Cartoonists

Freelance cartoonists are ideal for one-off projects or small jobs, such as designing a cartoon for an event invite. They are free-spirited and extremely creative.

Guru Tip:

Once a Freelancer has been hired, a WorkRoom is created for the job on Guru. Use WorkRooms to communicate with your Freelancers and team members, keep track of work, upload files and manage multiple jobs easily. 

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