Program Managers

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Program management is a term used in business organizations for the management of several related projects within a single program. Many companies often group two or more projects that are related to each other but may have different teams working on it. These projects belong to the same client and may share many of the same inputs or resources. Grouping them together under a single program ensures that related milestones are completed together and one project can provide the foundation for the next project. Management of all projects within a single program helps teams coordinate and interface better leading to high quality work and faster delivery. If you require a program manager to help you manage groups of projects within your organization, you can hire for program management services on the best sites for freelance work.

What Is Program Management and What Do Program Managers Do?

As a program comprises of several projects, program managers manage multiple projects including their execution and timely delivery. They make strategic decisions and set goals to help the business achieve financial and customer-defined targets. They coordinate with senior managers and stakeholders across different departments in an organization to manage a program. They resolve conflicts, influence decisions, and build consensus at the senior management level. At the individual project level, program managers ensure that there is coordination between different teams working in a program. They enable communication between project teams so that resources and shared and high quality work is delivered to the client within the decided deadlines. They also work with program sponsors and senior responsible owners to ensure that their objectives for the program are met reliably.

If you wish to hire for program management services for your company, you can check out experts on the top freelance websites. Before you do so, you need to ensure that the person:

  • Is capable of maintaining the entire program documentation including plans, timelines, and briefs

  • Can manage the program’s budget and expenditure, and ensure that it meets the business’ financial objectives

  • Can effectively resolve issues across individual project teams, stakeholders, and sponsors involved in a program

Qualifications of Program Managers

Expert program managers can smoothly handle all projects and its tasks involved in a particular program. Here are some of the qualifications you should consider before hiring a program management expert.

  • Professional education and training in program management, business management, and financial management

  • Knowledge of program management tools and software such as Gantt charts, Asana, and Confluence

  • Extensive portfolio and track record in the field of program management for different clients

Benefits of Freelance Program Managers

  • They help you align all your individual projects with your company’s strategic goals

  • They help you manage project interdependencies better, such as sharing of resources and components

  • They help you manage finances better by coordinating expenses of individual projects within a program

Guru Tip:

Guru’s Status Update feature helps you keep track of your Freelancer’s progress on the job. Depending on your Agreement, use this feature on our professional freelance website to check your Freelancer’s due date for tasks, billable hours and invoices.

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