Hi, 1) Cloud servers setup ( setup new servers, migration of existing to the cloud, migration from one cloud to another). 3) Security, server hardening, vulnerability resolutions. 4) Working on unmanaged servers & Control panel servers ( WHM/CPanel, Direct Admin, Plesk panel, ispconfig). 5) Setup monitoring & backup servers (Nagios, Check_MK, R1Soft). 6) Troubleshooting of Linux Servers issue, Mail servers, SSL installation, Other Linux installation, and configuration. 7) Expert in management of cloud servers and migration of VPS. 8) Proxmox (KVM) solution for virtualization KEY SKILLS: Lets Encrypt SSL, AWS CLI, Amazon EC2, AWS Lightsail, AWS Lambda, AWS DynamoDB, AWS RDS, Amazon Route 53, AWS IAM, Amazon Elastic Transcoder, AWS MediaLive, AWS MediaStore, AWS MediaConvert, AWS S3, AWS CloudWatch, Amazon Polly, AWS Simple Email Service (SES), AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS), NodeJS, PHP, MySQL, jQuery, NGINX, NGINX+RTMP HLS, Wordpress, FFMPEG, Radio, Icecast, Shoutcast, SSL, Linux Administration, Cloud Computing, Serverless, Docker, DigitalOcean, Alibaba Cloud, Heroku, RackSpace, Google Cloud Platform.