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Smart and gets things Done.

Smart and gets things Done.

Soon to be Electronic Engineer, Hacker, Dancer, great Coder and former underwear model.

I know my way from bare metal to the userland. I have experience writing and enhancing Linux device drivers and working with libraries/toolkits such as GStreamer, MLT Framework, Jack, GObject, Gtk and OpenCV just to name a few. I am a native speaker of C and Python, fluent with Javascript and not so much with Ruby. I can also tell the difference between int * const foo and const int *foo , not that it really matters.

Other technologies I work or worked with are WebVfx, C++, node.js, Redis, MongoDB, Javascript, Backbone.js,, Socket.IO, Knockout, Mocha, Selenium, Django, Processing, openFrameworks, AngularJS, Apache Cordova, Ionic and Intel Crosswalk.

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