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  • Field recording

    $150/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Using state of the art gear { Sounddevices digital recorder and Sennheiser stereo microphones with or without parabolic dishes, or Cetacean Research Technology hydrophone for the water } to make field...


Recordings are made using the highest quality equipment available and prepared on a state-of-the-art digital audio workstation.

We explore subtlety and nuance in biological sounds, primarily with those of birds, whales and dolphins, using the mathematics of wavelets. Recordings are made using the highest quality equipment available, and images made from these sounds using the AGUASONICĀ® process.

Work Terms

Half to start, balance is due net 30. e-mail is preferred, info (at ) Travel and per-diem are not included in the posted rate.

Attachments (Click to Preview)