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I'm a well-qualified, talented copywriter who works at competitive rates and will complete your project within the deadline to a high standard of quality.

I have extensive experience when it comes to researching, writing, editing and proofreading both my work and others'. This includes overseeing hundreds of articles during an eight-month period as news editor of the University of Sheffield's official student media; spending three months as a news intern at the Torquay Herald Express; and various freelance assignments for newspapers, magazines, newsletters, company websites and more over the past four years. I have also recently written over 150 pieces for online copywriting agencies Copify and Position1SEO, ranging from 250-word blogs to 2,500-word speeches and 1,250-word travel guides.

I also have the qualifications to prove my abilities as a writer, including a 2:1 degree in BA Journalism Studies, a Level 3 National Council for the Training of Journalists Diploma and an A grade at A Level English Language and Literature. Alongside this, I was nominated for the Guardian Student Media Reporter of the Year award in 2014, and in 2015 reached the final three in The Sunday Times' graduate scheme programme.

Work Terms

I'm available to work all hours of the week, so I have a very flexible working timetable. I would ordinarily charge at least £8 per hour, but I am open to negotiation depending on the particular task. I prefer to communicate via Guru's internal communications or by email -