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  • Excel
  • Machine Learning
  • Matplotlib
  • Pandas
  • Power BI
  • Python
  • Statistical Analysis


  • Analyze and visulaize

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Analyze a dataset to get actionable insights. Provide stylish and insightful visualizations to drive decisions. I provide a slide deck to communicate the findings and guide further questions. The value...

    ExcelMachine LearningMatplotlibPandasPower BI


I strive for excellence.

I believe that opportunities are waiting to be harnessed at the boundaries of disparate disciplines. There lie areas that are less searched waiting to be explored. I myself am broadly interested in several areas and like to think laterally.
In my career as a maintenance engineer in oil well logging industry, I spent my time troubleshooting, thumbing thru physics books, manuals, engineering drawings and electrical schematics. I physically moved between swamps of sand in the middle of the desert and into the dark blue sea. My job was no less of a workout for my brains than it was for my body. It would have an impact on hundreds of people and cost savings of thousands of dollars.
Now, I spend time looking at data, analyzing it, spotting trends, and scrutinizing to see through the future. I know how invaluable the insights we get from analyzing the data are.
I am never a fan of mediocrity. I started a formal study in data science and completed Udacity's nano-degree program in data science. I also completed my Big data and data science professional diploma in Nile University with straight A+s for all courses.

Work Terms

Being a full timer, I enjoy working in your projects during weekends. and after 5 during weekdays.
Payments via paypal are recommended.
You can contact me between 18:19 daily for open questions and you may notify me any time during the day for quick inquiries.