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Perfection Is Key

An auditor at reputable Audit Firm with previous experience as an Accounting Assistant with three (5) years Accounting experience in the Food Catering Services, Manufacturing & Retail Industry and six months (6) External Auditing experience. Currently I am on my final level (3) of my ACCA Professional Studies which forms the backbone of my analytical and decision making skills which I have applied at the workplace with the highest standards and ethical approaches. My competitive nature ensures that I seek innovative and modern trends to deal with new challenges which affect businesses and enables me to continuously improve my knowledge, skills and experience to produce the most outstanding results. As I continue to develop and become more experienced in the Accounting profession, which is bound by a strict set of standards and code of ethics and a business environment which is constantly evolving and challenging, it has given me the opportunity to use my problem solving skills to implement systems to effect positive change. This required the ability to identify potential and existing issues and to provide suitable solutions/controls which could range from cost related/operational issues to preparing reports/analysis for corporate level decisions.

Work Terms

Based on requirements can be flexible.