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free your writing from the prison of mediocrity. choose me for writing to defeat the bland. i am ink to the verb, a call to action. hire me free(lance).

Angie Riley is an undercover, writing, superhero with a mission to tell stories. She writes screenplays, novels, website content and articles. Her goal is to free writing from the prison of mediocrity and awaken the page by defeating boring and predictable words. She is ink to the verb of a unique and original writing style.

Writing highlights include publication in the Canadian Writer’s Guide, Art Corridors Magazine, publishing her novel and placing her script with a Hollywood actor.

Life highlights include being a stunt double in a movie, meeting Alice Walker and Barbara Gowdy and placing her script with a Hollywood actor.

Angie has accepted her writing destiny and can often be found in her downtown “library office” plotting her next adventure.

Work Terms

Available Monday - Friday or as needed depending on assignment. Payment upfront through safe-pay.

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