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  • API Development
  • Django
  • Python
  • Server Administration
  • Software Development
  • Web Scraping


  • python developer

    $15/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    can create RESP API, write script for scrape site, i can write different script for your task, for example server demon

    API DevelopmentDjangoPythonServer AdministrationSoftware Development


backend developer

I'm a backend python programmer.
I have experience with django, aiohttp, GeoDjango (postgis), postgresql, DRF, telegram API, VK API, linux, bash, nginx, supervisord, uwsgi, selenium, git, docker-compose, fabric, virtualenv, ceph.
Most of all I liked working with cloud storage, and you also with geo-coordinates.

Of the projects that I liked the most, the cloud store with the support of ceph. In this project I was able to make from a normal VPS - a separate node of the OSD (data), in which the disk was a file. It is worth noting that I understand that this is a bad practice and you need to use a separate disk for this, but this was done, because there was no money for a separate full-fledged server.

Another interesting project is a mobile application like yandex transport (I did a backend). In it you could see the buses online (the data was taken from georitm), you could also see the nearest route from point to point.

I also did a project for myself, which automatically performed tests.
It was done through the selenium. The selenium server and selenium nodes (10 pieces) were raised. The application produced activity on the site on behalf of the browser. You can use it for testing or parsing different data.