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  • Content Marketing
  • Email Campaigns


  • Email campaign

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I can create an advertising campaign using the e-mail, which consists of a different group of emails written in different formats to move the customer from the stage of awareness of the product to taking...

    Email Campaigns
  • Content marketing

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Create written and visual content and choose the most suitable for the product Knowing the appropriate channels for spreading content Analyzing publishing indicators and adding what increases observation...

    Content Marketing


I have become a passion for marketing I have been working in the field of teaching for a lot of time but as soon as I read about the field of marketing and i studied training courses on various platforms such as udacity and Google and I became to see that this field is my future I have worked on self-development through extended reading as I got training courses in more than one branch in this field to try to familiarize me with some elements that will benefit in working as a marketer in social media channels.
I also have a great ability to manage time and complete the work on time taking into account constructive feedback that increases the quality of the work and the customer's satisfaction.

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