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  • Character Design
  • Creative
  • Erotica Writing
  • Horror
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Supernatural
  • Writing


  • Erotica

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have 15 years experience of writing, though I've not had anything published as of yet. My main areas of expertise are erotica, from the mild to hardcore, and my abilities to write a truly glorious horrifying...

    Character DesignCreativeErotica WritingHorrorRequirements Analysis


Hottest smut you have ever read

My story is long, far longer than I have breath with which to tell, so here are the cliffnotes.

I'm 37 years old, and have lived quite an extraordinary life that began way back in 79. Yet, my life didn't truly begin until I was hit by a car in 1991. I miraculously survived what's known as a trauma induced full right hind quarter amputation. This means my pelvis was snapped clean in half on a 45 degree angle, and everything was torn off in the blink of an eye. Coccyx, right buttock, right hip, and right leg. All torn off on-site, no surgery needed, so my survival is right up there as far as unanswerable questions go.

I turned to writing in 2003 as my spine had started to degenerate with early on-set Osteoarthritis, and believe me when I say the pain of this can be the stuff of nightmares. Unable to work, unable to be as active as I once was, I took up writing to fill the void and cure the frustration of what amounts to going from a gold medalist in junior athletics to living as a hermit.

I now seek some extra income and share my offerings with the world at large, so here I am. Looking for work so that I may not only live, but also be able to afford some of life's little luxuries.

My hobbies include writing, nail art, having a flair for the dramatic, and one who enjoys being in the limelight. I love the darker side of humanity, and the insidious seduction of movies such as Hellraiser and Candyman are the basis on which I hold all romance stories.

The level of respect, though perhaps not love, is what draws me to Hellraiser above all others, and the longstanding relationship between The Prince of Pain and Kirsty Cotton is layered and complex. Only Clive Barker could portray something like that.

Another of my inspirations is, of course, Stephen King. His books are stunning and multifacted, with IT and Misery being particular favourites of mine.

Work Terms

I write all the day long, so hours are not much of an issue for me since I'm more or less housebound.