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Ever since I remember my favourite objects were my colour pencils and my drawing notebooks, and my father’s table work, my favourite place to play. As time went by I joined my my passion with my work, from my years in Architecture University, till I arrived to Design School (Nowadays EUCD, UdelaR, in Montevideo)

No surname Design discipline defines me. I’m particularly interested in Product and Branding, the interaction between Architecture and Design, and design in society. I like being in multidisciplinary teams to solve specific problems. I enjoy taking challenges from different point of view to get to creative solutions to add a innovator component for users and their context.

I’m always interested in joining my passion with my work, and since 2009 I officially live from design. I’m always open to new projects. I’ve worked as a graphic and industrial designer in different studies and in freelance projects as well.

Two years before I finished my Industrial Designer career I developed teaching tasks in the Creativity Design area (4th grade) and Identity Design area (1st grade) in EUCD, UdelaR. Besides I do education seminars and courses periodically.

Founded: 2013

Meet the Team

  • Betiana Cuadra

    Betiana Cuadra

    CEO Designer