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Providing our customers with professional websites that can generate leads on a daily bases at reasonable prices is our #1 goal. Work with us and let us help you get your story on the web.

In 2014 a group of 3 friends who always tinkered with the code and technology decided to get together and make their hobby a profession. Over the last four years, they have grown together and helped many businesses get their spotlight on the Web. Creating Web Sites, and Apps and building Projects for their customers is now something they do for a living.

As a member of that Team, who is writing this, I have to say that our #1 Mission is to provide our Customers with an amazing web site no matter how big they are. Small, medium and big companies, as well as hobbyists, are all welcomed to our family with no exceptions. For that reason when we started this Team we had to create a pricing that is not just affordable but is tailored to your own needs.

Therefore in 2017, we decided to make our business who worked with local Customers a Company that now works with Brands all over the World. We have grown a lot over this few years and we are the proof that you do not need decades to realize your dreams, so let us help you grow and get your message to the web.

Block Art Studio is now a Web Design Agency building Web Sites of the highest quality. We work hard and we deliver.

Let's Grow Together.

Founded: 2014

Work Terms

$20 / hour
Minimum Budget = $ You Decide $

Hours of operation:

From 08:00 am to 10:00 pm
Central European Time

From 01:00 am to 03:00 pm
Central Standard Time

We are flexible when it comes to our costumer's schedules,
therefore we can always arrange online Skype sessions or
Email chats outside our work hours.

Preferred communication style:
