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  • Advertising
  • Application Design
  • Copywriting
  • Graphic Design
  • Logo Design
  • Marketing
  • Retail Branding


  • Advertising and Marketing Services

    $60/hr Starting at $300 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Who We Are Bloom is home to business-minded creative souls. Whereas many claim to work outside the box, we chose to redesign it altogether, housing sound strategy and innovative creative under one roof...

    AdvertisingApplication DesignCopywritingGraphic DesignLogo Design


bloom (blüm) v. intr. 1. To achieve a state of accelerated development. 2. A shattering of glass ceilings. 3. When vision and success coalesce.

Sujit Kamath,
Chief Executive Officer
I grew up beside the glowing obelisk, dreaming up my own versions of commercials. I pictured old execs scheme-plotting in think tanks until they'd brain-farted something brilliant, never realizing it all originated from an individual. Still, I kept envisioning the world with my own little spin on things, chasing degrees in Broadcast Journalism, Marketing, and Psychology with the hopes of being able to connect to others more compellingly. After cutting my teeth writing for NBC, I came to Miami with the goal of complementing my writing chops with advertising experience. A decade of creative flow watching brands come and go ultimately left me with an inspired purpose; to help businesses bloom eternal.

Matt Young,
Chief Creative Officer
If a cobbler mends shoes and a tailor fits suits, then I as a designer create. By aligning my education with work experience, I developed an infatuation for all things creative – web design, branding, photography, videography, application design, industrial concepts – you name it, I've forged it. My love for communicating through the visual realm leaves nothing off the table for you and your company. Growing up in a humble town, venturing to the big city, and starting this independent venture all speak to the true nature of my character. It may sound clichéd, but in-between juggling grad school and two jobs, I was left with a sense of purpose. To balance knowledge and action in the unknown is the only way to grow – and since then, it's all I’ve ever done.

Founded: 2015

Meet the Team