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Your time is expensive

Do you feel like you don't have enough time?

You seem to not finish the projects you proposed to yourself?
You hit an obstacle. You get angry and lose motivation.

Your time is important. Not only that.
It's essential.
You want to live a happy life in which you can use your time to achieve your biggest goal and enjoy fun times with your dear ones.

Then tell me, why are you doing this?
Why are you trying to get into this technical jargon?
Why are you making this more complicated than it should be?

Your life should be simple, not complicated.
You have family, friends, partneres, businesses to take care of.
Why make it harder by adding a website to your to-do list?

Life should be lived the way you want, right?
Then why are you doing the things you don't want?
Be it a small or big projects, having an extra-hand will save you time which you can use to live your life.

Work Terms

Payment: 99$ / hr
Work: 5 hr/ day
Communication: skype, whatsapp, email