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Android and iOS Developer Expert

I am an MOBILE APPLICATION EXPERT (Android and iOS), who have 6 years experience on mobile application development on corporate company. Most of time i create mobile app for client and my friends based on their ideas. Starting as a Desktop Programmer and then change to Web Development and now i focused on Mobile Application Development.

Sometimes i do web development for supporting my mobile application that need website to be used a data sources.

Tools that i have been using in development
Android Studio for android development xCode for create iOS application Genymotion to testing on fast simulator Robotium as logic tester before go to user interface development Calabash for automated testing (User Acceptance Test) PHP & MySQL as website engine that i used Sublime Text Trello as collaboration tools GitHub for public repository Bitbucket for private repository TDD as basic flow of all development proccess Balsamic for creating User Interface Mockup Codeception and Selenium as automated test engine for website

I also have device for testing and development purpose Xiaomi Mi4i with Android Lolipop OS iPhone 5s with iOS 9.0.2 MacBook Pro 13 inch With Retina Display

Beside that i also learn and implement about Internet Of Thing using arduino, shield and ESP8266 module.

Work Terms

Only work between 30 hours a week, and cannot do anything on weekend (except important thing)