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  • continent surveys

    $8/hr Starting at $250 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    field measurement book drawing, 2d drawing ,3d drawing, layout, land survey,pipe line survey, pdf to dwg converting, raster image development, contour preparing, volume report ,drafting,cad,dwg

    2D Design3D DesignDraftingDrawingLayout Design


Topographic, Engineering, Setting Out surveys, mapping and F.M.B services, Railway and National Highway Road Projects, Pipe Line Projects,

Continent Surveys is a professional land surveying company, registered in chennai, No.1229 of 2013 in the office of the District Registrar Of Firms,Chennai south and was found by J.A.Yuvaraja in 2013.

The company provides professional land surveying services

(a) Title Surveys

(i) The surveying and marking of boundaries, the setting of monuments, or the restoration or rehabilitation of any monument marking a corner or line that controls real property.

(ii) The determination of the location, on the ground, of any appurtenance which may potentially affect the rights and/or the enjoyment of real property.

(iii) The determination of the position of any monument, reference point, or any other mark, when such monument or mark controls the location of boundaries or rights of ownership in real property.

(iv) The presetation of any type of survey drawings, maps or plans, and/or reports- of-survey or any other documents as related to land boundary surveying, for the purpose of identifying the location

(b) Topographical Surveys

To display the elevation and contours of land and location of both natural and man-made features such as buildings, roads, streams, woodlands, etc. Such surveys are a pre-requisite for planning and development of estates and structures.

(c) Engineering Surveys

To obtain data that is needed for the planning and design of engineering projects like construction of buildings, dams and routes that a road or other utility lines will take.

(d) Setting Out Surveys

Whereas surveying is a process for forming maps and plans of a particular site or area, setting out begins with plans and ends with the various elements of a particular plan correctly positioned on site. Points of interest in any Engineering drawing are set out on the ground to the precision specified

Founded: 2013

Meet the Team

  • contour drawing

    contour drawing

  • hill surveys

    hill surveys