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    This is the fourth year I have engaged Darrell to design a captivating flyer for a (rather boring) product line. The challenge as always, is to create an engaging and captivating sales pitch advertisement through a series of exaggerated cartoon drawings. A few days of thought, and a brainstorming se

    ssion later, Darrell had some ideas: He would create mascots to describe the various products: Or he could write a cartoon comic strip walking prospects through a process. Both options were interesting and engaging. Naturally I couldn’t decide which would be more effective, so I settled for both. Darrell obligingly stood up to the challenge and created two pages: Fun looking mascots introducing products on the one side, and the other filled with a comic strip walking through the mindset of a prospect when making a purchase decision. A further discussion was had over the general details of the images and an outline flow-chart for the comic. Darrell went about

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    Sukkahmart Australia