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  • Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Microsoft
  • Microsoft Excel


  • Excel Expert

    $80/hr Starting at $320 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am a Mechanical Engineer with 25 years of engineering experience and 30 years of experience using MS excel.

    EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMicrosoftMicrosoft Excel


Mechanical Engineer with Project Management experience who loves to manipulate and create graphical representations of DATA.

I'm a mechanical engineer with 24 years of engineering experience, and 30 years of experience working with excel. I have excellent attention to detail and I take pride and care in conveying complex concepts, relationships and datasets.

I have developed countless complex and layered spreadsheets, and have developed many complex VBA macros that facilitate work and insight which manually would be impractical and cost prohibitive.

Some recent examples of my VBA work include:
1) searching engineering specifications for: multiple instances of the word "shall"; instances of standards; client furnished equipment.
2) creating individualized subcontractor scope of work documents from a single excel file paired with a responsibility matrix.
3) creating complex schedule analyses.
4) consolidating hundreds of Excel files into one.
5) creating a schedule based performance tracking sheet which facilitates weekly updates and commenting.

Work Terms

Part time.