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Web Enthusiast Always Seeking Challenges

I am a web enthusiast that is always searching for new technologies that make the web a more dynamic place. I am well-seasoned in several traditional web technologies and platforms (HTML/CSS/Javascript/jQuery/PHP/MySQL/Joomla!). In my spare time, I run a trivia show at a local restaurant, play around with Node.js, Angular.js, MongoDB, and am currently building a mobile trivia app using Titanium Appcelerator. The web development firm I work for specializes in large-scales websites built on the Joomla! CMS platform, custom applications built on the LAMP stack, and .NET applications as well. I am seeking large scale projects for my firm, and smaller side projects for myself. Additional skills include experience with MailChimp, Wordpress, Google Analytics, and Webmaster Tools. I look forward to working with you.

Work Terms

Work terms for company projects and personal projects are very flexible. My company operates during normal business hours, but my associates and I are often found working during the wee hours of the morning during the heat of a project.

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