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Total Feedback Received: 2

  • willirl99 · Mar 17, 2012

    The report was submitted in a timely manner, however, there were many grammatical errors involving sentence construction, left out words, mis-spelled words and the like. It was if the work was not proof-read or spell-checked after it was finished. The conversational tone was rather harsh but with the subject matter covered, it was acceptable. When reading the report, I got the feeling that she was speaking to one person as opposed to a wide audience in general. I didn't mind the use of personal experiences as a backdrop to the piece, but I did expect thoughts and ideas of a more general nature that would speak to a wider audience. All in all, it was fair, but not the best work this writer could have done. It seems like she was more interested in receiving money than the quality of her work. In her last message to me, she indicated that she had submitted an invoice for payment and when could she expect to get paid. She never inquired about the quality of her work. This was average at best.

    for Debt: The Grim Reaper

  • Alan_Taylor1 · Jan 31, 2012

    Excellent. Highly recommended.

    for 5 page report about Wolf Birth Totem