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Total Feedback Received: 1

  • Rodney757 · Oct 04, 2016

    Best designer we have ever found in 7 years on Guru! Wendy not only had one of the better prices but she is an absolute delight to work with. Very Knowledgeable & Professional! Thank You Guru! We've found the designer who will now design, install & update all of our growing web needs for our companies. Seeking a designer, be smart and talk with Wendy 1st. You will Hire Her!

    for WordPress Website Theme Customized


  • Quote

    "You have FAR exceeded my expectations on this absolutely gorgeous site. I have never had a site I have loved this much!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you! And, even more thank you's. You are truly an artist. " ~Kristen Moeller, MS, Author, Coach, Publisher, Speaker, Radio Show Host.

    Kristen M

  • Quote

    "Wendy card absolutely was the ticket to my website being successful! Wendy has an incredible eye for detail and an uncanny ability to take my words and translate them into her art. The website that Wendy designed for me attracted exactly the type of business that I wanted to bring in! I would recom

    mend her to anyone." ~Shelby Skitt, Owner of Chromatics Hair Salon

     ...Read More

    Shelby S

  • Quote

    “In the 9 years that Wendy worked for me, I was constantly given praise from our customers on behalf of Wendy's service to them. She has always gone above and beyond the goals we established for her and regulary made extra efforts to do more than she was asked. It was not unusual for Wendy to work o

    n a project on a weekend or tackle a problem until it was resolved. Her exceptional analytic skills helped her troubleshoot and resolve issues that most would not able to complete. Wendy was always a please to work with.” Scott Abboud, President, Allied Financial Software, Inc. managed Wendy at Allied Financial Software, Inc.

     ...Read More

    Scott A