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    To Whom It May Concern: This letter is my personal recommendation for Gary LaRose. Until just recently, Gary had been my Sales/Contract Analyst since early 2010. I had the opportunity to work with Gary on many different projects and can confidently say in addition to being an excellent analyst he

    demonstrated an ability to execute a successful strategy to meet the customer needs. Gary understood which information was needed and his use of available data to translate valuable insight to the customer’s purchase patterns, product usage, pricing and contract discrepancies, calculations of PPD and PPE rates allowed me to build significant partnerships with my customers. Gary was a pleasure to work with, as he is a take-charge person who is articulate and resourceful. I was confident in his ability to interact with my customer’s directly if necessary and my customers were always appreciative of his willingness to ask questions and explain his processes. I highly rec

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    Lisa Hughes, Director of Sales

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    To Whom It May Concern: I’ve been lucky enough to work with Gary LaRose for the past two years. He is a hard worker and a dedicated professional. Gary is a true team player. He often stays late and even works on weekends to get the job done. Gary is also an excellent leader. Instead of simply doi

    ng the work, he patiently shows me how the task is completed. This gives me the ability to better explain the data to our clients. Gary has been instrumental in picking up new business, increasing margins in existing business, and keeping the competition out. Simply put, Gary has been a vital asset to our team. Please feel free to contact me with any further questions. Best regards, Robert Graham Director of Corporate Accounts Gulf South Medical Supply

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    Robert Graham