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Full Stack Developer

We grew to learn WordPress inside out as it grew to power 50% of the web it self. That is how we managed to provide a valuable and affordable service to our clients. A service that brings value to their business and helps them reach that next level. We have no trouble creating a simple presentation website, a blog, a WooCommerce web shop, or, why not, a highly complex web app. Yes... we do that with WordPress too :)


? WordPress Theme Development

? WordPress WooCommerce Development

? WordPress Security

? WordPress Performance & Speed Optimization

? WordPress SEO Optimization

With that said, we are inviting you to have a look over our team member's profiles to check the testimonials and portfolio items. Please note that the portfolio uploaded is maybe say 5% of what we worked on over time; most of our work being White Label. Yes, we act as back offices for lot's of digital agencies out there :)


Ghetau Catalin