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  • Life Coach
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  • Life Coach

    $90/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I can help you stay on track with your goals, develop an empowering mindset, shift from limited beliefs to unlimited thinking, focus on self awareness and how to best use your strengths, become more resilient,...

    Career CoachingLife CoachTestimonials
  • Wellness Coach

    $90/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I can help you stay on track with your wellness plan, live a healthy lifestyle you love and that decreases your risk for disease, create powerful long-lasting change, become more resilient, shift from...

    Life CoachTestimonialsWellness


Holistic Empowerment & Wellness

I am a Life Empowerment Coach who is passionate about coaching and empowering others to make long lasting changes, leading to increased productivity, resilience, mental and emotional wellbeing, wellness and living a fulfilling, enriching life. I have work with various types of clients such as those in a career transition, clients who have a new venture and need goal planning and accountability, clients who want to create long-term change and healthy habits and clients who want to feel their optimal and create a realistic wellness plan. Please visit my website for client testimonials and additional information about me.
Using proven effective methods, such as motivational interviewing, active listening, the Transtheoretical Model and mindfulness, I help to empower and coach clients to live their lives to the fullest potential. I provide guidance, encouragement, action planning, goal setting and accountability to make long lasting change and create a permanent healthy lifestyle. I coach one on one with clients. If you are looking to make a change and would like coaching, contact me.

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