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Top skilled Website Designer & Developer

PHP, Netsuite/Suitescript, Nationbuilder/Liquid, Shopify, ...
Mastered all PHP frameworks, ecommerce platforms, open source CMSs!

Web language skill: PHP, Rails, Liquid, MySQL, Javascript, Jquery, Html5, CSS3.0, SAAS, Prototype, TwitterBootstrap...

Main Work - Nationbuilder, Netsuite, Prestashop, Shopify, Wordpress, Processwire, Moodle, Front-end design/development, Mozilla Firefox extension/add-on development, jQuery plugin development, any kinds of ecommerce ... ... ...

What do you want? I can do whatever you want!

I have designed and redesigned 40+ web2.0 sites and built 10+web sites from scratch. And I've developed 50+ plugins, extensions and mods for several CMS.

Thank you for viewing my profile.

Work Terms

I communicate in English and I am online for almost of a day. You can get prompt response if you send me an email.

Please contact me anytime!