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  • French Language
  • Childrens Book Writing
  • Editing
  • Fiction Writing
  • Food Writing
  • French Teacher
  • French Translation
  • Memoir Writing
  • Portuguese Language
  • Portuguese Teacher
  • Spanish Language
  • Spanish Teaching


  • Translation French - Spanish (both)

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Soy una traductora especializada en los idiomas español y francés, ofreciendo servicios de traducción profesional en ambas direcciones, del español al francés y del francés al español. Mi competencia...

    French LanguageFrench TeacherFrench TranslationPortuguese TeacherSpanish Language
  • Translation French - Portuguese (Both)

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Je suis traductrice spécialisée dans les langues portugaise et française, proposant des services de traduction professionnelle dans les deux sens, du portugais vers le français et du français vers le...

    Childrens Book WritingEditingFiction WritingFood WritingFrench Language


Bridging cultures through words.

Hi there! I'm Melanie, a skilled French translator with a passion for language and culture. With a background in linguistics and literature from Sorbonne Universite in Paris, I specialize in accurate and culturally sensitive translations from Spanish and Portuguese to French and vice versa. Let's connect your message with French-speaking audiences worldwide!

Bonjour ! Je suis Mélanie, une traductrice française qualifiée avec une passion pour la langue et la culture. Forte d'une formation en linguistique et littérature à la Sorbonne Université à Paris, je me spécialise dans des traductions précises et culturellement sensibles de l'espagnol et du portugais vers le français, et vice versa. Permettons à votre message de toucher les publics francophones à travers le monde !

Olá! Eu sou a Melanie, uma tradutora francesa habilidosa com uma paixão pela língua e cultura. Com formação em linguística e literatura pela Universidade Sorbonne em Paris, me especializo em traduções precisas e culturalmente sensíveis do espanhol e do português para o francês, e vice-versa. Vamos conectar a sua mensagem com os públicos de língua francesa ao redor do mundo!

¡Hola! Soy Melanie, una hábil traductora francesa con pasión por el idioma y la cultura. Con una formación en lingüística y literatura de la Universidad Sorbonne en París, me especializo en traducciones precisas y culturalmente sensibles del español y portugués al francés, y viceversa. ¡Conectemos tu mensaje con audiencias de habla francesa en todo el mundo!

Work Terms

Deadline: The agreed-upon date and time by which the translated work is expected to be completed and delivered.

Source Language: The original language of the text being translated.

Target Language: The language into which the text is being translated.

Word Count: The total number of words in the document to be translated, used for pricing and scheduling purposes.

Revision Policy: Any guidelines or provisions for revisions or edits to the translated text.

Confidentiality Agreement: A commitment to keeping all information provided for translation confidential.

Payment Terms: Details regarding payment methods, currency, and schedule.

Communication Channels: Preferred methods and frequency of communication between the translator and the client.

Style Guide: Any specific instructions or preferences regarding style, tone, or formatting.

Termination Clause: Conditions under which either party may terminate the contract, including notice periods and any associated penalties or fees.