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  • Word Processing

    $18/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Excellent verbal, writing and keyboarding skills to meet the requirements of group presentations, including instruction of computer training topics and customer service workshops. Continuing interest...

  • Data Entry

    $18/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Excellent verbal, writing and keyboarding skills to meet the requirements of group presentations, including instruction of computer training topics and customer service workshops. Continuing interest...

  • Office Management

    $18/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Excellent verbal, writing and keyboarding skills to meet the requirements of group presentations, including instruction of computer training topics and customer service workshops. Continuing interest...

  • HR & Payroll

    $18/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Excellent verbal, writing and keyboarding skills to meet the requirements of group presentations, including instruction of computer training topics and customer service workshops. Continuing interest...

  • Accounting

    $18/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Excellent verbal, writing and keyboarding skills to meet the requirements of group presentations, including instruction of computer training topics and customer service workshops. Continuing interest...