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WordPress | BuddyPress | WooCommerce | S2member

I create websites that engage users and delivers results. If that is something you are looking for, we should talk.
Web development is not only my profession but it is my most favourite hobby with which I spend all my time while working on a project or in free time improving my programming skills, learning new concepts, technologies, languages and tools, WordPress themes and plugins.

I specialize in mobile friendly responsive WordPress websites, creating and modifying themes and plugins and adding any custom feature to any WordPress theme or Plugin. I also have extensive experience integrating the WooCommerce shopping cart system for e-commerce websites.
Over the past 10 years, I have developed a wide range of websites using WordPress/HTML5/CSS3, PHP, MySQL and jQuery, including sites for startup companies, small businesses and individuals. I enjoy designing, building and maintaining clean, professional, and easy to navigate websites.

• WordPress Theme Development
• WordPress Plugin Deveopment
• PSD to WordPress Conversion
• HTML to WordPress Conversion
• WordPress Security & Maintenance

• PHP/MSQL Development
• Payment Ingegerations
• Membership Websites using BuddyPress
• Community Websites
• Landing Pages

• WooCommerce Development
• WooCommerce Theming
• WooCommerce Customization

• Web Site Security
• Hack Recovery
• Ongoing Maintenance
• Hosting & Server Managment

I actually enjoy what I do and I won’t just disappear after the project is finished! I am easily accessible and here when needed.

I am a multilingual professional who has worked with clients from all over the World, I take ownership of all my projects from