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  • Digital Marketing
  • Facebook Ads
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Web Analytics
  • WhatsApp Marketing


  • Email marketer

    $10/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Mohamed abod Marketing Content Writer, I'm passionate about creating a strong and innovative strategy for selling ideas and content, skilled at creating creative ideas, writing engaging headlines, targeting...

    Digital MarketingFacebook AdsSearch Engine MarketingSocial Media MarketingWeb Analytics


Marketing Content Writer, I'm passionate about creating a strong and innovative strategy for selling ideas and content, skilled at creating creative ideas, writing engaging head

Mohamed Abod holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Help you get established on social media, create a profile and locate content sources, updated posts and detailed reports. We also help you listen closely to what your audience is saying about you.

Since active social monitoring is a large-scale process that requires a large investment of time, I run this process on your behalf. Whether you are just starting out flying, have your own nest or don't even know how to start using Social,

I am a social media marketer and I can fully understand your organization and your goals in a short time. I also help you improve your content, keep you visible and engage your audience in conversations.

My services include:
Create a profile
Create background and profile picture
Create content tailored to your target audience, tailored to each social channel
Regular status updates and posts
Facilitate user interaction
Social ads

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