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    "Mohammad was an excellent developer. He completed the task quickly and effectively, with excellent dev skills and attention to detail. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to hire a great front end developer!"

    Casey Wright

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    I am very satisfied working with this developer. The work was delivered fast and in was done very professionally. The developer was very attentive and replied fast to any issue at Skype in a very good English level. I would definitely recommend everyone who needs HTML/CSS/JS coding to work with this

    developer and I'm looking forward to work with him again.

     ...Read More

    Gil Or

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    Very good job. paying attention to the smallest details in the design, good communication and high skills

    Etamar Oren

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    Mohammed delivered the work perfectly! He was always online and speaks fluent English. The code is clean and working good. I would definitely work with this freelancer as well and recommend anyone else who has similar basic web development tasks to hire Mohammed.

    Gil Or

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    Good and smart developer, with keen eye to aesthetics. Produced some really good 1:1 outputs, that made a really happy web designer. Available on skype all the time, and delivered before deadline. Warmly recommended

    Etamar Oren

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    Mohammed is a very good front-end designer/developer. He has a good aesthetic sense, which is very helpful if you dont have a full-time designer. He is very cooperative - if you have urgent work, he will work extra hours on the weekend at short notice, etc.

    PaloAlto Corp