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Beginner MERN Developer

I'm a computer engineering student with the passion to be a Full-Stack developer.

I've been learning for almost 4 years; trying out different things, learning from anywhere I can.

Last year, I came across Node.js and just loved it. I started learning Node.js, then ExpressJS, ReactJS and MongoDB to completed my MERN-stack.

Now, I'm at the position that I'm enough confident that I can work as a Junior MERN developer either for an organization or can handle small projects as a freelancer all alone.

In this period, I've made few websites for different clients. I've also made some projects to practice my skills.

I want to see the world, I want to work as a freelancer, meeting new people new clients, learning and earning on the way.

I don't write so long usually.

Coming to the point. I'm here to polish my skills and help organizations in their projects, If you have a project or opportunity for me, lets chat.

isDay() ? "Have a nice day" : "Sweet dreams";

- Faheem

Work Terms

As I mentioned, I'm a computer engineering student, I don't have too much time.

But I'm still available 4-5 hours on weekdays and 8-10 hours on weekends.

Contact Method:
I want to give the best service as I can and communication plays a vital role in it. I can be contacted using Emails and Skype, I prefer text-chat because I'm not a good English speaker. But if you can tolerate a little bit that will be fine too.