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I worked as Project Manager and Software Developer.

I used some technologies like ;

Jboss Seam, Apache Deltaspike, Spring as web framework,
Jsf, Primefaces, Themeleaf as front end,
Hibernate, jdbctemplate, jdbc, jpa as db connector and orm,
Hibernate Search and Lucene for full-text search,
Hazelcast for cache and session distribution,
Percona Mysql Server Cluster and Ha-Proxy for scalability,
Jboss AS, Wildfly as application server and Ha-Proxy for http scalability,
Vmware Esxi for vm instance and Centos 7 for OS

i also set up servers, develop and manage projects.

Some other companies i also used those technologies ;

c#, Php CodeIgniter, Oracle Pl/Sql Forms/Reports as development platform,
Oracle 11g as database,