Banner Image


  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Beauty Retouching
  • Design
  • Object Removal
  • Paint.NET
  • Photo and Image Cropping
  • Photo Retouching
  • Photoscape
  • Skin Retouching



I am a visual design student dedicated to exploring and creating innovative typography, poster, and layout designs. My goal is to continuously learn and practice to provide creative and client-oriented design work.

- Typography Design: I am fascinated by the form and structure of typefaces and committed to creating fonts that are both artistic and readable. My conceptual font design incorporates perspective effects, offering a unique visual experience.
- Poster Design: I enjoy transforming complex information into concise and powerful visual language. Whether for commercial advertisements or cultural events, I can design posters that accurately convey the core message.
- Layout Design: I am familiar with the basic principles of layout design, capable of organizing content and images effectively to create clear, orderly, and visually pleasing designs.
- Photo Retouching: With a keen eye for detail, I excel in product and portrait retouching, enhancing the visual appeal without compromising the natural essence. From blemish removal to color correction, I ensure every image is polished to perfection.

Although I am still in the learning process, I am passionate about design and willing to take on challenges to improve my design skills continuously. If you need a designer full of vitality and innovative spirit, please consider working with me.