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Business Manager cum Delphi Programmer

Business Manager cum Delphi Programmer
I am 45 years old, my total programming experience is more than 25 years.
Programming has been my only source of income all these years.

I have an experience in Delphi, C, C++, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL,
but my favorite language is Delphi.

Delphi programming experience is about 15 years (Delphi 3 was my first IDE).

Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, Mac, Android, IOS
Programming Language: C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Ruby, Pascal, Cobol, Objective C
Database: MS SQL-Server, MS- Access, MySQL
IDE: Visual studio, eclipse, Delphi XE
Scripting Language: JavaScript. VB Script, Lingo Script, Author ware Script Install Shield Script, Perl, CGI
Web Technologies: HTML-CSS-JavaScript-JQuery-AJAX-JSON