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    Ray executes resource coordination and management in a thoughtful, tactful and professional manner. Results-oriented and gives grave consideration to details when it comes to planning, implementation and managing competing priorities. Mentoring and coaching resources for successful outcomes is Ray's

    strong suit. Ray is a natural and conscientious leader

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    Ulysses Stanley Jr.

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    Ray sets high standards for himself and his team and successfully manages to those expectations. His teams are quick to grasp their requirements and in working aggressively towards meeting their deliveries. Ray managed a high volume workload and maintained both a high rate of customer satisfaction

    as well as team morale. He is very strong in prioritization, recognizing and addressing emergency requests, and communicating. Ray's reputation as a top flight line manager from both a managerial as well as customer perspective is well earned.

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    Michael Mocci

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    Ray is an excellent person to have as a technical supervisor. In addition to his understanding of the technical architecture, his interpersonal skills are superlative. I witnessed him advance process improvements in a very structured environment to the benefit of the entire corporation.

    Jack McGuirk

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    Ray is a very effective manager of people, process, and technology resources associated with the delivery of enterprise strategies and operational stability. The corporate database team, managed by Ray ,was responsible for critical enterprise services.

    Irma Rivera

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    I very much enjoyed working for and with Ray on two separate occassions. He is smart, straight forward and provided very good direction. I found Ray to be a fair boss. I would work for him again if the opportunity was available and can recommend him strongly based on his personal and work skill sets


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    Mark Flavin