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Mobile application Developer with experience in Firebase and AWS

I have work experience in mobile technologies like iOS,android and have worked with web technologies like ASP.NET,AngularJS giving me varied skills and the ability to work with different kind of technologies.I have also worked on AWS (Amazon web services),Elastic-search and kibana.

Technology Knowledge:

Programming Languages:-Swift,Java Objective C, C,C++, SQL, Visual Basic.

Operating Systems:- Mac OS X, Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora), Windows7/8.

Databases:- MS-SQL Server 2008, MYSQL, SQLite, Redis,MongoDB(Basics) .

IDEs:- Microsoft Visual Studio,XCode,Eclipse,Android Studio.

Version Control Systems:-Git,TFS. Web Technologies ASP.NET MVC,HTML,CSS 3, JavaScript.

Framework:- Ionic,AngularJS, Bootstrap, JQuery, Core Data, MapKit, WatchKit.

Project Methodologies Agile, Water Fall.

Testing Tools & Libraries:- Selenium (using Specflow),XCTest Framework.

Tools Fiddler, DynaTrace, Source Tree, VSTS.

Work Terms

Please find below the things that you can expect from me:
1. Good coding standard
2. Adherence to deadlines
3. Use of version control system for easy project tracking
4. Quality documentation.
5. Implementation of software engineering design principles