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Total Feedback Received: 6


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    Great professional and programmer who can bring to life any ideas I can think of. Can't recommend enough. First choice for future projects.

    PHP coding, bugs fixing

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    Sebastijan is a super-talented web developer, able to quickly find cost-effective, powerful solutions and implement them in a timely manner. Highly recommended.

    Contao 2 bugs fixing, new functionalities

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    "Sebastijan was extremely responsive and up front about his work, and was very good at communicating progress at regular intervals. He brought suggestions to the project that not only improved the end result but helped shape the future direction of the project as well. I would absolutely recommend S

    ebastijan to anyone looking to work with a professional and knowledgable web developer."

     ...Read More

    Contao CMS Frontend/Backend

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    "Sebastijan is an EXCELLENT developer with fantastic skills and abilities. I hope to work with him again very soon and highly recommend him."

    Web Programming