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  • Drafting
  • Freedom to Operate (FTO)
  • Patents
  • Prior Art And Patent Search
  • Utility Patent


  • Patent Search and Patent drafting

    $25/hr Starting at $200 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Inventors will get an exhaustive patentability search report/ A Freedom to search opinion and patent drafting. Patentability search: Inventors will get an exhaustive patentability search report, which...

    DraftingFreedom to Operate (FTO)PatentsPrior Art And Patent SearchUtility Patent


Providing cost effective Patent Services.

An experienced Patent professional. Projects I can deliver are 1. Patent drafting 2. Prior art Search/ Patentability opinion 3. Freedom to operate/ FTO/ Clearance study 4. Invalidation/Validity Search
5. Infringement Search 6. Landscape Study 7. Technology Scouting 8. Drafting FER responses
9. Exploratory/ Ideation Searches 10. Other R&D booster projects

I help:
1. R&D teams
2. Innovators
3. Inventors
4. Research groups
5. Universities
6. Startups.

Patent databases I am good at:
1. Orbit
2. Thomson Innovation
3. PatentCloud
4. LexisNexis
5. PatSeer
6. STN
7. Google Patents
8. Espacenet.

Detailed Description of my role:
1. Helping R&D teams by providing insightful Patent landscape (Whitespace analysis/Competitive intelligence/Technology insights) in their specific technology domain.

2. Supporting the innovators to find out the patentability of their inventions by conducting a Prior art search.

3. Assisting the Manufacturers/industries to figure out if they can safely introduce their products in a particular jurisdiction without infringing any active patent by conducting Freedom to operate or clearance studies.

4. Performing invalidation searches to remove patent obstacle from our client's business.

5. Assisting the inventors in drafting their patent applications, filing, responding to office actions and every formal as well as technolegal requirement needed to get the patent.

Work Terms

40 hours a week
Preferred language: English

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