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  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Content Writing
  • Editing
  • Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Video Editing


  • Social media marketing assistant

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Posting status updates. Find , organize, and post various types of content, such as, links to recent blogs, latest company news, special deals ond offers, and 'conversation starter' messages.  Replying...

    Affiliate MarketingContent WritingEditingMarketingSocial Media Marketing


Social media marketing assistant. Chat moderator

Countless hours spent on the various social network platforms has opened my eyes to the unstoppable growing field and given me inspiration to help companies maximize their presence on the Internet to better engage the public and customer base utilizing targeted areas for positive experiences for the user, and the company. Currently, I am seeking a role as a marketing assistant, or chat moderator, which extends to videos posted as well

Work Terms

The Internet never closes, where I however am searching for a full time,(40+hrs) a week.
My current experience leads me to seek out a pay scale of 20-30$ per hr . Depending on the job and it's demands