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I am happy to help you solving the problem

Hello All,

I am a senior ruby on rails developer. I like to learn and always learn. I want help you to solve your problems. Here what I can do for you:
- Create app from scratch to enable your businesses
- Develop new features for your existing apps
- Fix buggy apps
- Refactoring your apps source code.
- Optimize your apps.
- Create testing for your apps
- Or maybe just question/answer for your problem.

- communicating with Rackspace Email API for email hosting website
- communicating with FlightStats API for aviation application
- communicating with OpenSRS API for hosting website
- git versioning
- deployment under engineyard cloud
- google Map API and MapBox API
- Background processing, delayed job, redis, sidekiq and more
- Database design
- and more.., contact me what you need since I couldn't put all here.