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I'm am your go-to for anything having to do with vegan nutrition and wellness. I am a happy healthy vegan and you can be too!

I currently work in the human resources at a world-renowned animal rights organization, PETA. I have 5+ years of experience in human resources, primarily handling benefits and insurance and most importantly wellness in the work place. My current workplace is 100% vegan therefore our wellness program is based around vegan nutrition. I plan, administer and also participate in our year-round wellness program. Nutrition happens to be my focus when it comes to education so my passion plays a huge role in my career. As a HR professional, my duties change daily and therefore my skills have to adjust to the changes. I'm am the mastermind behind stress and time management, organization, and multitasking. I am that go-to person at my organization. I can be that for you as well. Just ask me anything about human resources and anything about running a working health and wellness program!