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    A client in Arizona was shocked when his designer/printer suddenly went out of business with no notice and left him scrambling to create his annual brochure -- now from scratch because they had never given him copies of his graphic files. After reviewing his marketing materials, I suggested addressi

    ng the lack of consistency among the brochures, business cards and signs. His logo was nicely designed (with palm trees and a sunset), but we made it pop even more dramatically by laying an actual sunset behind it! We then ensured his branding was consistent across all the products with the updated logo, consistent fonts, layout and colors. The brochure was then recreated with brand-new photos we shot to showcase the beautiful amenities of his RV Resort Park (it's true that "a picture is worth a thousand words!"). The result was greater client interest and many compliments on how the message was delivered!

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    Case Study

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    Everyone LOVES a vacation; but not everyone loves the endless details and logistics of planning a vacation. A client in Suffolk, Virginia, wanted to surprise his wife with a week-long vacation on the water along with their young daughter. But he was almost paralyzed when contemplating the many optio

    ns and prices. Where to start? He wanted something different, but the options were mind-blogging. After a conversation about what he envisioned, I put together a reasonable package that included a private condo right on the waterways with a huge balcony to watch the romantic sunrises and sunsets each day along with the many boats that frequented the harbor. Even better yet was the easy access to shopping, restaurants and entertainment, just walking distance from their lodging and for less than a conventional hotel! I hear the huge bouquet of flowers that greeted them upon their arrival went over very, very well!

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    Case Study

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    Executives often create client presentations on the fly ... literally. One such client regularly split his time between Hawaii and Washington State. He often flew back to Hawaii at a moment's notice to do high-level client presentations for his convention television business. It was common to receiv

    e faxed rough sketches of a new presentation and review them together over the phone while he was waiting for his flight to board. While he was enroute, I would create the entire presentation. Then, using the location of the meeting, find the closest Kinko's, email the presentation with detailed instructions, follow-up with a phone to the store and confirm everything would be ready (and paid for) so he could pick it up on his way to his meeting. The client was never the wiser!

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    Case Study

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    The owner of a Maryland Graphic Design Studio recently contacted me about the problems she was having in staying organized with her growing and busy portfolio of clients and projects. She was finding herself waking up in the middle of the night afraid something had fallen "between the cracks" with h

    er hectic and ever-changing workload. Having been in the same situation many times before myself, I suggested several options that could help make the situation less stressful and chaotic.Just a few simple steps helped put this studio owner's mind at ease, helped her feel more in control and freed up her time to do more marketing to keep her pipeline full of work. I hear she's sleeping better too!

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    Case Study

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    Several local businesses in Denver and Boulder, Colorado recognized they needed to stay in better contact with their clients on a more consistent basis. But whenever they looked at email marketing campaign options, they were completely overwhelmed by the need to first design a newsletter (or even ju

    st choose a template), then provide interesting content every month and maintain a customer mailing list. So each time, the project went on the back burner. Understanding their dilemma and being lucky enough to love designing and writing, I presented them with a much easier solution where I would provide a ready-to-use monthly newsletter, completely branded with their logo and contact information along with current and relevant original content with eye-catching images, even a cartoon or two and a special monthly offer just for their subscribers. I also suggested giving away copies of their new 2-page newsletter at their store location in exchange for email addresses. Their clients loved it!

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    Case Study

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    I often tell new clients that in today's world of the internet and technology, there's nothing I can't do virtually. To prove my point to one potential client in New Jersey, I found a local coffee shop (with great reviews) and had a slice of warm apple pie (his favorite I learned during our conversa

    tion) along with hot coffee personally delivered to his office to his great (but happy) surprise!

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    Case Study

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    "I recently was preparing a presentation, as well as a product, and contacted Bobbie for her assistance. The results were amazing! She professionally and expertly compiled and edited a stunning manual for my product; as well as designed and composed detailed Powerpoint slides that were stunning in t

    heir professional presentation. They not only conveyed the information necessary, but were visually enticing and attractive for the participants to view. I highly recommend Bobbie for her writing and editing skills and technical know-how!"

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    Elaine Lockard