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  • Business Development


  • Business Development Coach

    $20/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Increasing ease in the workplace leading to the natural emergence of our desires, creativity, and innate skills resulting in more effective planning and decision making and the shining through of our...

    Business Development
  • Marketing Research & Plans

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

  • Project Management

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

  • Business Planning

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

  • Training

    $20/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Teaching "Spirit at Work" concepts and Exercise including mindfulness, psychology and law of attraction leading to more ease at work. Results may include increased creativity, less mistakes, increased...


Organizational Theorist; Business Development Coach - Services to increase business performance through maximizing your greatest asset...

Doug Hall is a graduate of JFK University Clinical Psychology 1996. His undergraduate degree is from UCLA, a BA in Economics-International Relations (Chinese). Prior to attending JFKU, Doug worked in a family-run business, selling computer hardware and helping manage the sales team and assist with business strategy. Doug trained at the Process Therapy Institute where he learned the Process model of therapy, which forms the basis of his consulting and teaching philosophy, especially the being side of the model. After leaving the counseling world, he returned to doing various sales jobs. Throughout his selling career, he learned various sales techniques and learned about the aptitudes required for various professions, including those for therapists and salespeople. For the past several years, he has been meditating and learning Buddhist ideas and principles, and learning how to resist less and increase allowance. Doug teaches a course called ‘Creating Our Desires’, which blends psychology, mindfulness, law of attraction and philosophy to help people get clear about their goals, deal with emotions that hinder success and achieve their goals faster than they normally would. In fact, this is the driving force behind his work with small businesses and students. "Spirit at Work" practices and services for Individuals and Small Businesses is what he is most passionate and what makes him most unique.

For the past 10 years, Doug has been working in small businesses as a freelancer and consultant in sales, marketing and planning. He represents companies (both here in the US and China), does business introductions and manages projects. In two of the last 10 years, Doug has lived in China where he taught Business Strategy and Human Resource Development to community college students and taught business owners and professionals conversational English, resulting in increased confidence. He was furthering his functional Mandarin skills as well.

Work Terms

Hourly rates. Fixed rates. Commissions. Monthly memberships. Preference is to work with businesses that are looking for an alternative to doing business just for the bottom line. Where business is a way to learn about oneself and express who we are and what we are meant to do.

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