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Total Feedback Received: 2

  • David_Clark10 · Dec 21, 2009

    Wendy has done an excellent job of editing my manuscript. She did a hard edit, as well as copy editing and proofreading - all with an eye for catching what I had missed. She was efficient and prompt. Wendy is very easy to work with, and her fee was quite reasonable. I will gladly work with her again.

    for hebrew goddess book

  • David_Clark10 · Dec 21, 2009

    Wendy has done an excellent job of editing my manuscript. She did a hard edit, as well as copy editing and proofreading - all with an eye for catching what I had missed. She was efficient and prompt. Wendy is very easy to work with, and her fee was quite reasonable. I will gladly work with her again.

    for hebrew goddess book