Posted 35 Days Ago Job ID: 2086363 82 quotes received

Re-Build a Matrket-place website&mobile

Fixed Price$500-$1k
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  Send before: June 16, 2024

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Arabic & English marketplace e-commerce on both website and mobile 


  • Clear identification of technologies used (Widgets, JavaScript frameworks, Font scripts, Miscellaneous, Web servers, Programming languages, CDN, Maps, Development, Live chat, JavaScript libraries, UI frameworks).
  • Potential use of Module Federation (50% sure) and Webpack (50% sure).
  • Areas for Improvement:
    • Technology Modernization: Consider upgrading libraries (jQuery, jQuery UI, Modernizr, Slick) to their latest versions or exploring modern alternatives (React, Angular, Vue.js) for better performance and maintainability.
    • Component-Based Architecture: Refactor code into reusable components for improved maintainability and scalability, especially with React or Angular.
    • Performance Optimization: Implement code splitting, lazy loading, caching strategies, and image optimization to enhance website loading speed.
    • Accessibility: Ensure website elements comply with WCAG guidelines for optimal usability by users with disabilities.
    • Security Best Practices: Regularly update dependencies to address security vulnerabilities, implement secure coding practices (e.g., input validation, CSRF protection), and consider HTTPS for data encryption.
    • Testing: Establish a robust testing strategy (unit, integration, end-to-end) to ensure code quality and prevent regressions.
    • Content Management System (CMS): Evaluate the benefits of a CMS (e.g., WordPress, Drupal) for easier content management, especially if the website content is dynamic.

Enhancing Existing Website

  1. Prioritization: Identify the most critical areas for improvement based on user feedback, business goals, and technical feasibility.
  2. Technology Upgrades: Start by updating libraries to their latest versions. Consider migrating to a modern framework (React, Angular, Vue.js) for better performance and maintainability in the long run, but weigh the learning curve and development effort.
  3. Performance Optimization: Implement code splitting, lazy loading, caching strategies, and image optimization techniques. Tools like Lighthouse or PageSpeed Insights can help you identify areas for improvement.
  4. Accessibility Enhancements: Use semantic HTML, provide alternative text for images, and ensure proper keyboard navigation to cater to users with disabilities.
  5. Security Measures: Update dependencies regularly, implement secure coding practices, and use HTTPS for data encryption.
  6. Testing: Establish automated unit, integration, and end-to-end tests using frameworks like Jest or Cypress to prevent regressions and ensure code quality.
  7. CMS Evaluation: If your website's content requires frequent updates, consider using a CMS for easier management.

Building a New Website from Scratch

1. Project Planning and Requirements Gathering:

  • Define project goals, target audience, and website functionalities.
  • Create a sitemap to outline the website's structure and content hierarchy.
  • Gather user stories and requirements to capture desired features and user interactions.

2. Technology Stack Selection:

  • Front-end: Choose a JavaScript framework (React, Angular, Vue.js) considering factors like project complexity, team expertise, and desired features.
  • Back-end: Select a server-side technology (Node.js, Python with Django/Flask, PHP with Laravel) based on performance requirements, scalability needs, and developer familiarity.
  • Database: Choose a suitable database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB) based on data structure, query complexity, and scalability requirements.
  • Other Considerations: Authentication/authorization, payment processing (if applicable), CMS (if needed).

3. Development Process:

  • Front-end Development: Implement the user interface and user experience using your chosen framework, following component-based architecture for maintainability.
  • Back-end Development: Build your server-side APIs using the chosen back-end technology, ensuring proper data handling and security.
  • API Integration: Connect the front-end and back-end using RESTful APIs or a GraphQL API.
  • Testing: Implement unit, integration, and end-to-end tests throughout development to ensure code quality and prevent regressions.

4. Deployment and Maintenance:

  • Deploy your website to a hosting platform (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud Platform) that provides reliability and scalability.
  • Establish a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline for automated testing and deployment.
  • Implement monitoring tools to track website performance, identify and fix issues quickly.

Whitepaper for Building from Scratch

1. Introduction:

  • Briefly introduce the project and its goals.
  • Highlight the target audience and the website's purpose.
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Amal A Saudi Arabia