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How Educational Technology Professionals Can Help You

Educational technology is the process of facilitating learning through the use of numerous technologies. It is done through the creation, the use of and the managing of technological resources. The process also refers to using physical hardware and educational concepts. It includes elements such as learning theory, computer-based training, mobile technologies and the use of m-learning. It is a science that uses numerous strategies to assist with the learning process of students. Technology could include media, networking hardware and machines. Media could include items such as text, images, animation and audio. Hiring a freelancer educational technology specialist can be done on Guru.

Freelance educational technology specialists can be found in industries such as business, non-profit, academic as well as government organizations. When creating courses, you will need the skills of educational technologists, learning designer, online course designer or even an educational technology consultant. Classroom teachers, multimedia content developers and training coordinators are some of the professionals that you require on your team. These professionals are responsible for creating a curriculum that assists teachers with conveying the messages across to learners that allows for efficient learning. E-Learning technologists are responsible for working with developers with regards to the production of digital assets, video content as well as the learning objects within the course. Freelance educational technologists are easily accessible on Guru and are ready to get to work for you!

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