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  • Amazon
  • Amazon Listing
  • Keyword Research
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  • Amazon Keyword Specialist

    $15/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    As time goes by, more and more individuals opt to utilize online shopping than physically go to malls and groceries. Amazon served the major portion of these individuals. Sooner, Amazon will dominate...

    AmazonAmazon ListingKeyword ResearchProduct ListingProduct Research


Be Data Driven

Hello! I am an Amazon Keyword Specialist. I am driven by data and desires to increase business revenue by providing relevant keywords.

Optimizing listing is an art, appropriate keywords should be utilized which are put together to catch buyer's attention. It aims to make them feel and understand the value of the product to their everyday lives that they will regret not buying.

So if you want to organically rank your products without having to invest in PPC or bringing outside traffic, then make Amazon Algorithm know that your products are the relevant items the costumers are searching for. Because Amazon values the costumer better than the sellers. It is about satisfying the customer, not increasing the revenue of the seller. In return, if Amazon identifies that your listing totally and clearly describes your product, they will suggest it to costumers searching for it.