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  • Content Writing
  • Direct Marketing
  • Event Planning
  • Marketing
  • Product Descriptions
  • Sales Writing
  • Slogan Writing
  • Writing


  • Content Writing

    $9/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Worked as a content writer for several accounts, from the page creation details and what it is about, all captains writing, event creations, and their description, I've done that for different platforms...

    Content WritingDirect MarketingEvent PlanningMarketingProduct Descriptions


Ever Since I was a kid writing was my passion, grew up expressing my feelings, any situation I pass through, anything, I like or dislike I write about it. After studying marketing and going deep in this field, I knew my creative mind will help me to excel in this field.
Here is how it got me even at work.

• Social media is the language we all speak but how to stand out with your brand was the challenge I love to do, working as a specialist to have new ideas, to be creative to implement and sell your brand and convince your clients is the best part of my story.
• I used writing to attract the client’s attention how to have the right tone of voice that will keep the client loyal to our brand. to build up a whole campaign and be creative about it, thinking about the client needs and how to deal with other competitors, how to be the first of doing it all.
• Having the imaginary eye that will capture the good design was a benefit after writing the campaign brief and imagining how should it go with the designs you want.
• As a side job to I was a content writer for several social media accounts to keep me aware of other brands as well and to be updated with all the competitors on the platforms in many different fields, like cosmetics, housewares, restaurants, plastic surgeries, fashion, etc.…
• I got a job offer a few years ago with a new challenge, to be online and on-ground with clients, it required to be so creative and full of energy so I accepted the new challenge to work on with all fields that will help me understand clients more.
• My current job now gives me the chance to still write the campaigns for social media, think about my audience, and built up a relation with them not only online but to get them to our place and meet them in person, and that’s so much fun to do.
• Creating and planning campaigns or events that will stratify the client and give you the outcome you need is a blessing.

Work Terms

I'm open to working 5h per day, except weekends.
I prefer to be in direct contact with my client to make it easier for projects to get done.
will always ask for a downpayment before we start our project.